5 Important Things You Should Tell Yourself in Friendships

A lot of reminders leave us to have the urge to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of friendship. Yet hardly, ever people define the total description of what is worth to invest in. Friendship is important to keep your interaction in social life circling into a normality part of the society. However, I do like to highlight the importance of your mental health prior to these people. 

Here are 5 things you should consider to balance out your life and also, have a good relationship with others. 

1. Be That Positive, Outgoing and Happy Friend 

It's important to be happy for several reasons -especially on creating a positive network in which people are positive too in your surrounding. Being dependent on your friends who are outgoing are never necessarily the case. 

If you can't find one, be one. 

2. Your 'Me Time' Matters Too 

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source: shop style 

Create a space for your own personal time -be it staying home watching youtube, read a good book or have time studying making lecture notes while listening to Taylor Swift's latest jam. Friendships should be maintained but never be to dependent on it to enjoy your life. Besides, if you keep being there for your friends, you should have your time for yourself too. 

3. Act Neutral in Everything and Everyone Who Leaves or Downgrades You  

Image result for positive gifs

If you've made a mistake, admit them and apologise. If certain friends tends to be dramatic and unforgiving, then act neutral and move on. There are always people who dislikes you in certain points of your life. If you are sensitive to those who downgrade you, there are two options to choose. Fight back once then stay neutral again, or stay quiet and avoid them for a short period of time until you feel neutral again with the person. 

4. Be Firm With Your Stands and Beliefs 
Image result for happy
source: cipHR

In short, learn how to say 'I disagree' or 'no'. Don't let people's persuasion justify your thoughts, no matter how long your friendship has come and about. Always try to say it in a respective way however, before it becomes a debate that leads to World War 3. 

5. Keep a Small Circle for a Better Quality, a Better You 

Yo paso tiempo con mi amiga Marian y nosotros comer y nosotros be fuerte.
source:  sarah vogelpohl 

In terms of what is considered 'small', we take the considerations of full thoughts and care for the person. Going out with them for lunch, stay up all night talking or share a tear with during problematic situations. Basically going through everything. Not only does a small group of friends take care of your secrets carefully but also the quality and intimacy increases. 

If the friendship is based on a certain criteria only, that's how you measure whether you should actually care for them or not. 

This entry denotes the respect you should have for yourself, your mental health especially. Personally growing older only opens the curtains of exposure on what friends are worth valuing. In the end of the day, you will be busy thinking about your life and it's a good choice to implement these reminders on allowing yourself to avoid such conflicts involving people around you. 

Keep your friends close and always appreciate them -but don't make it affect your individual strength as a whole. 
