Silly Things I Did in School

Hey there!

Firstly, this is an entry that is categorized as non-beneficial so I wouldn't recommend you to read my some of my life lines here. 

People have indeed been describing me as a teenage girl who has never been fun in a ways of doing things like showing signs of stupidity and reluctantly enjoying it. (Okay, maybe no one really said that). Haha well, so I decided to recall some things I did which proves, 

I’m not that serious as you think.

You know, everyone’s insane. Depends on how they hide it.

1.Ghost versus Homesick (2010)
My room is nearly 20 rooms away from the nearest public phone and, it’s 3.25 a.m, not even a soul awake. I was scared about going out alone –since I sometimes can see ghosts. 
Alas, I went to the public phone in the end anyway.

2. Arab Class Success (2010)
Ustaz Jawwad made detentions according to our potential of translating arab words. Stand if fail for the first round.  Then stand on the chair if fail again.  Sit under the table. Stand on the table. Finally, stand out of class.
 I, succeed to experience all of the detentions.

3. First but Last (2011)
During the 100-meter race election as a representative for form 2 school of Harvard, I won first place. Alas, I ended up being the last during the real race.

4. Ikan Keli (2011)
I handed out my plate to a canteen worker to then see him holding the ‘ikan keli’ wobbly shaking it’s head –looking alive smiling at me saying hello as he held it to my face.
I ran a mile.

5. Desperate Hunger (2011)
I didn’t finish my homework. I didn’t sleep early. I didn’t concentrate in class. What did I do?I got myself busy for the posters in Star’s N.I.E newspaper program.
You see, two posters for a regular-sized pizza.

6. Morning Zikir Reciter (2010-2012)
A lower form girl would have likely to experience 3 times of reciting the zikirs and Asma Ul-Husna in the mornings.
Well, I had gone 7 times.

7. Song Challenge (2012)
I compose songs a lot during my lower form days. Once a month. Those who messed up with me or I had little crushes on are lucky enough to be a part of it.

8. A in Arts (2013)
Teacher Zaharah gave us a home assignment to draw at least 3 objects to get an A. Despite on my initiative to lessen my homework plus laziness, I drew only a vespa instead. 
Got an A, it works. :D

9. Go Taxi! (2012)
It was nearly 15 minutes to 6 pm and we had to return back to school from outing ASAP. Then we rode this taxi driven by a rather deaf Chinese man. Despite on our eager of arriving quickly, we were so shocked he only drove 40 km/hour! What did we do? We shouted in support to him;

 “Go uncle! Drive faster! You can do it! You can save us! Go! Go! Go!”

10. Food as Gifts. (2013)
When I handled the slot “Guess This Idiom” during the foyer, those gifts I’ve given were actually the foods from my storage. I don’t understand why I enjoy seeing people attain the things I like over their success of guessing the idiom.

11. Silat much? (2013)
The best thing about silat is it’s the only time where girls can lay or roll on the grass without attracting others attention on your movements cause they know you’re a silat. I took this chance to lay on the field grass in public during riadah and watch the sky.
 I did it only once, okay?

12. Revision Dilemma (2014)
Principle Tuan.Hj.Arshad was on his way towards form five’s corridor to plead us to go to this seminar upstairs held by a mind-map company. We’ve got two more days before exam starts! We don’t need mind map lectures!
I did this silly act by hiding under the table. Haha, in the end I went to the seminar anyway.

13. True-self Revealed (2014)
After our GL slot with the form fours during their orientation week, the hall was ours. Turned on Taylor Swift’s song through the speaker and held the microphone singing on stage while doing the dance with some of the green lanterns.
 Little did I know they stared at me in shock with opened jaws. 

14.  Fake Ghost (2014)
While waiting those who are involved in drama for language week, I practiced my public speaking in front of the SR room by 11.30 pm. I then realized I’ve stood still enough to be mistaken as a ghost by those who went out from the surau looking up to the SR room.
They actually ran!

15. In the Dark (2014)
The last day before Biology paper for SPM me and my best friends lay on the grass gazing at the stars in the middle of the night. Then guards were torching their lights looking around the field. We lay dead without moving and managed to survive unseen. Yay.

16. Sorry Teacher (2014)
Playfully walking with a grin I accidently hit my book on Teacher Farizwa.  Oh God. I could still remember my classmates and her eye’s all wide open in shock. Haha believe me, I said sorry nearly 20 times to her even when she laughs.
Well, at least I made a strict teacher laugh once in a while.

17. Gummy Bear (2014)
What can be a more disgrace student towards their teacher? Eat or sleep in class? I was so sleepy I took out a gummy bear and held it exactly in my mouth. That’s when Teacher Nonee told me to stand up and lectured the whole class to not chew all the time. 
The thing is, I didn’t even chew it yet lol.

18. Cream Service (2014)
During our personal talk-to-talk with Mr. Principle in his office, he made us laugh with his stories and even complained how much his back hurts after all the times taking  care of us. I ran back to my desk and passed him my back-pain cream. To his amusement, he didn’t really thought I’d take it personally.
 Haha. You should’ve seen him laugh.

19. No Way (2014)
Everytime a specific subject in taken for SPM, I’d draw an image and state how I feel about the paper on the SPM slip. During the 5th subject, the examiner ordered me to erase all of them –thinking I’ve got this method of cheating. I couldn’t do it. It won’t make me motivated to go the rest of the papers.
So I took it out and pasted on my desk in class instead. 
We play a win-win deal on this.

I wanted to write 20 things I did in school but I can’t think of another. Haha, it seems like the last one will be told when I get the results by 3rd March.
