Hey there
There are ways, plenty, to start new on making yourself more
confident in English. For a start, aside from basic teachings where teachers
tend to explain the vocabularies, grammar rules, verbs (which I do not
understand much in particular), here are a few ways you might enjoy.
Inner Voice Should be English
Are you aware that you have a voice in your head? The one
that talks non-stop in your mind giving you more encouragement to speak out
whatever you tend to think. Oh yes, I am sure you know. So, it’s time to stop
thinking other languages besides English in your mind.
‘Jap, kenapa tak rasa sedap hati ni’ to ‘Wait a sec, why
don’t I have a good feeling about this’
It works because the main problem for English writing is
when you try to say it translated from Malay for example, to English. Avoid
thinking of a Malay sentence and try to change it word by word.
Sing it Right

Ah, my favourite tip yet, you just have to sing. It’s not
about you having a good voice (but of course if you do that’s fantastic!) but
you copying the accent of the singer themselves. Just pick out any particular
song that leaves you in awe and sing it constantly till you have the same word
pronounces. Oh come on, who has never love singing in cars, while folding or
ironing clothes etc?
Then you will know how to change your local accent to the
real English version.
Put the Dictionary Down
I know a lot of people who reads the dictionary to improve
their vocabulary, but honestly, can you remember the word itself alone? I tried
memorizing 10 bombastic words from the dictionary once, but sadly ended up
remembering 2 to make full use without reference.
So, how can you expect
me to know words without reference of the dictionary?
Read. Read. Read.
If you often read my blog for instance, do you realize I
keep using repetitive words? If you read a book with a specific author, read it
till the end. You will understand they will likely to use the same words but in
differ sentence. You don’t understand the word? Okay. Keep reading. Found the
same word? Compare both sentence and there you find the meaning with full
accuracy. No doubt.
Record Your Voice
Love your voice, all the time. There’s a differ with when
you speak and how you think it might sound like with when you speak and how
others hear you. It will help you in terms of confidence on how you speak out
to people or even passing your speaking tests. It really helps too when you’re
trying to get ready for public speaking.
Like they say, you’ll never captivate others with how you
speak when you yourself don’t love your voice hmm?
Speak English Publicly
Similar to the case above, it’s important to initiate
conversations in English with people around you. Shame of sounding awkward or
silly? Don’t bother the negative feedbacks people give because reality is when
you’re excellent they’re still going to come back to you for help when they are
in need of improvements.
English is a base language for those who want to succeed.
You don’t have to be fluent with the right accent as it takes time, but neither
should you give up improving because confidence in English is a total turn on
for people in hire of you as a part of their working service in the future.
Let’s start speaking English as often as we can!
Write English Essays Often
Yeah, have to admit one of the ways to sharpen your mind to
fully negotiate with the language itself is by writing it frequently.
Because practice makes perfect. The connection is quite
simple. You think English from the brain straight is the first step. When you
ace it, you are able to write down everything that is on the mind. Practice
these 2 simple steps for an essay without hesitation, your mind starts
dwindling with words of how you want to write out. Easy as that.
Confidence Yo!

The most important thing everyone should understand, always.
You’re never gonna ace it when you don’t believe you can right?
Keep a smile and try to improve no matter how hard it seems.
But of course, don’t be too confident. You might embarrass yourself *winks*
Oh another thing. Don’t put yourself into this thinking that
the more bombastic words you use that leads to few people understanding what
you are writing (if, that word is even legit for the sentence anyway) instead
of making simple but understood and deep meaning.
Remember, quality of how you speak and write is more
important that the unfamiliar rare words you use.