
Hey Syarky,

Now, you’re getting way further forward than most of us in academic success and really, you deserve rounds of applauses. It’s really something a close friend would be remembering how close you are to achieving something that would contribute to the world.

Till now eventually, no one in particular has changed my mind that it’s easy to find another person whose leadership skills, personality and academic performance is on the same level as you are. Proud to have you as a best friend who has been there during both happy and depressed times back in our school days.

 I’m sorry I can’t be there for your flight to Abu Dhabi this 4th of January 2016 due to my finals exactly on that day. I know you’re very excited and head over heals about it. I can’t be there to be one of the faces waving goodbye once you’re stepping on that plane. So there’s a few things you should grab up from me before you go.

You’re going to love it there.

It’s going to be different than what you’ve gone through in MJSC TDI, MADPP and whatever not. It’s a simplicity that evolves you to be way broad-minded and will make you a more understanding person on how important it is to be a part of a community that is not sharing the same background, race and religion. Yeah, and I’m happy you’re going to be experiencing much more than I would.

Don’t bother of what people give negative feed backs about being overseas. Basically, a short conclusion, the more you draw yourself further from similar social peers that go through the same phase, the more you’ll find your inner self and identity. You’ll feel very unique being a Muslim because soon you’re going to see how all those things MRSM had taught us finally interconnect with how beautiful the religion is.

I love you and Sya in one picture, but Cik Man also kinda got my attention. 

If some random American friend guy of yours wants to shake your hand, or do the face bums, I’ll be happy to give you some awesome steps to avoid it and yet still be great friends haha. Or maybe when they start asking you something personal on religion, anything really.

Do keep updates. I’ll be very happy to know how you’ve been. We’re all wishing you the best for your future. We all will reach to our own dreams and success, but yours is already straight ahead. Just keep going where you are and never look back. Well, at least do it for me. Cause you’re also a motivation for us to keep walking without stopping. *Chew chew train*

Remember last year? (2014), behind 5 Cambridge near the motorcycle parking lot. It wasn’t a pleasant news about Japan (you know what I mean). You hugged me for a minute which felt like hours whispering we’ll find our own differ success in the future. What they’ve achieved doesn’t exactly become a necessity to measure how good we are. To put faith in Him and work hard constantly, expecting the good every day. We were both sad about it, and happy our feelings were similar and I had a friend to shred tears with.

Obviously, this is your day Syarky.

It’s a privilege to have my time invested for a great pal like you, have my mind messed up even worse when I had trouble understanding your philosophies, be a great actor of agreeing your solutions to my trigonometry questions were true when reality is I have no idea, to dance on the stage singing Taylor Swift’s song in the Dewan using the mike with the rest of Green Lantern, having you steal my comforter unconsciously during slumber when you were sleeping over at my place, doodling whatever said during lectures on my book, eating our friendship chocolate cake, singing in the car, sitting beside me front row in the seminar hall, never giving up to wake me up when I’d  sleep constantly in class or surau, listening my fears, weirdness, crazy-in-love mood or way too serious sometimes.

We’re separate ways now, but still, I expect to see the same Syarky I know once we meet up when you’re back in Malaysia again. But if you manage to add more some souvenirs along the way might be better hehe. Cherish every second and opportunity you have, because you deserve it. My time will come, just a little late.

Oh, you should really donate me your smart brain sometimes, like seriously. Once you get back I’ll be learning on cognitive brain analysis insya-Allah. Yeah, you can say it’s something any zombie would love to master. If we were zombies, my course will be popular on first charts globally. It would be really awesome.

P/S: Since you’re so picky in terms of the character of your future partner, do tell me if you’re found your Mr. Perfect there. (If not, Manju kan ada hahaha)  If you want me to sing Cher Lloyd's  'Oath' , just give me a call.

I’d be happy if you’d email me sometimes once you’re there, would really make my day. All the best Syafika Nabila binti Ibrahim ;)
