Why Become a Doctor?

Hey there!

So, I have thought vast and widely about my firm choice of being a doctor. Or rather to say, moving to specialist.

I have a problem for the process. What is that?

I’m not easy to remember facts or complicated names of a particular organ. Memorizing, to me, is a burden. Reality is I’m not a girl who enjoys spending her time studying 24 hours.

A part of me when I was in form 4 I thought I should be in Yale. A class where I’d take for innovating. That’s better, since I like to draw plus all my projects were always based on creating or building parts up rather than proving chemical solutions. My first ambition was to be an architect really.

I think, real hard, that reality is my abilities doesn’t have to do with medicine. Yet I still stick firm to this perception of trying to do something that is what I assume beyond my abilities. And besides, what’s a life without challenging yourself further of your limits?

The first reason is, my grandmother whom I call ‘Tok’ dreams of having one of our family members to become a doctor. So far all her relatives are pilots, bankers, architects, lecturers and etc. Not even a single one of them is a doctor. She took care of me since I was a child. So I guess it’s a way to reflect my sign of gratitude for all her endless love and care for me.

The second reason is, I have an admiration of helping people getting over their pain. I love to be a part of someone’s life that needs an ignition to keep living. I don’t see myself wanting to work in an office dealing with papers or computer screens. I love being myself talking to strangers and make sure they’re safe and sound. They make me appreciate life even more.

During the moment for the first time I was involved in a charity work, I realized these people don’t have the medications they need. I feel sad. There’s nothing I can do to help much. I’m very much affected by people around me. Their fears and pain saddens me. From that moment, I promised myself I’d become a doctor and find alternatives to help these unfortunate souls to get medications without needing to pay high fees. Being able to be a doctor is not only a profession for me, but also a way to do charity.

Don’t mean to offend, but if I become an accountant, for example, what charity can I do when I don’t have much money to give to those in need? Most probably I have to wait until I become wealthy.

Doctor, by case, is not about seeking money and lend to people in need. It’s about healing people in need physically and sometimes with speaking talents, emotionally.

This is how I choose to live my life...by serving others...too many people in this world have a fucked up selfish mentality...life is not always about making your life better individually...that's not how you make a change... That's not how you love...help other people live & love as well.

The last reason is I am just an average Muslim who tends to chase my dreams for the sake of dunia’. I have to admit I’m not religious enough to be expecting a life doing what Islam teaches us in every daily routine. What’s compulsory, I will sure to do. What’s not, I would leave some behind. This means I will only remember Allah when I pray 5 times a day. Not much right?

I need to get over this problem and think of a way that what I chase for dunia’ can be able to remind me of Allah, even, when it is not the time to pray. I guess that’s my main reason why I’m interested on becoming a doctor. Because it’s something I do, no matter how busy I am treating my patients, I still can remind myself of Him. How? Because each moan of pain reminds me to appreciate being healthy. Because every day I will see dying people that’ll remind me of death. Because I know by just visiting sick people I can get tons of deed. How many more deeds will I get if I treat them then?
You see, no matter how I further myself for dunia’ as a doctor and specialize, no matter how happy and reluctant I’ll be when I have a wonderful family, no matter how determined I am to make things better, being a doctor, I cannot run myself out forgetting Allah. 

Again, I’m not too religious.

I need an ignition.

I need a job that’ll remind me of Allah so I don’t go astray and corrupt myself.

What can I do? Find a husband that’ll remind me of Islam through his acts? Yes. True. But then it’s not likely to depend on another being. Come on, we girls are independent as well aren’t we? So find an alternative to dream high in life for the sake of Allah.

For my category, really, I am someone who wants to succeed in life. In Malay, I say, saya sangatlah kejar dunia lebih daripada akhirat. I’m not you perhaps, who can do both dunia’ and ukhrawi’ matters in separate matters and still maintain to do it.

Therefore, those are the reasons why I want to be a specialized doctor. Simple as it sounds but truly, I say, doctor isn’t a lifeless job.

Indeed, what’s left is to pray my results are outstanding enough for me to make the first step of achieving my dreams.

